Scullion News & Resources

About me

I have been a solicitor working in everything from legal aid firms when younger to a corporate firm then joining Scullion LAW in 2021 so have a wealth of experience with different clients, situations and courts in sheriff courts all over Scotland and also the Court of Session.

Interesting facts:

I love making curries.

About my work in the firm

I joined the firm in 2021.

Provide advice and help to clients about all aspects of family law. I love to listen, discuss and agree on a planned approach after explaining all legal options to the client. Seeing solutions rather than problems.


Listening. Identifying key points. Planning an approach based on each client’s unique circumstances. Being flexible and realistic!

How I can help

I am a Family Law Accredited Specialist, Accredited CALM Mediator, Collaboratively trained solicitor, and extremely experienced solicitor having just about seen and done everything (not just in family law) in my 27 years of being qualified.

In 2025 I was appointed Vice Chair of the Family Law Association, which covers all of Scotland. Alongside other committee members, I represent family law solicitors and engage with public bodies to promote family law in Scotland. Previously, I served on the Committee for three years as a member. I am also a Committee Member for Consensus (collaborative solicitors). Other solicitors and sheriffs refer cases to me as I am a trusted pair of hands. I am also an external examiner for the legal diploma. But please don’t take my word for it – read reviews from my clients instead.

I will alleviate the stress and have the ability to come up with sensible solutions specifically tailored to each client all based on my many years of experience.

Why me?

I am sensible and realistic but also approachable. Read my reviews.


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